About the PAGB; MCPF; and Dudley Camera Club

Photographic Alliance of Great Britain PAGB

The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) is an umbrella organization that represents amateur photography clubs and societies throughout the United Kingdom. It provides a platform for photographers to connect, share ideas, and participate in competitions and exhibitions. The PAGB also offers various distinctions and awards to recognize photographic achievements within its member clubs and federations

Midlands and Counties Photographic Federation MCPF

The Midland Counties Photographic Federation (MCPF) is one of the fifteen regional federations that make up the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB). It serves photography clubs and societies primarily in the Midlands region of England, providing support, organizing events, and promoting photography within the area. The MCPF facilitates competitions, exhibitions, and educational activities to encourage the development of photography and foster a sense of community among photographers in the region.

Dudley Camera Club

Dudley Camera Club is a photography, club established in 1947, based in Dudley, West Midlands, England, making it one of the oldest photography clubs in the United Kingdom.

It provides a platform for photographers of all levels to come together, share their passion for photography, learn new skills, and participate in various activities such as competitions, workshops, and outings, opportunities for members to exhibit their work in an annual exhibition and engage with other photographers in the local community.

Photographic Alliance of Great Britain 





The Badge award is a new award introduced in 2023, the entry fee £42.00.

Entrants must have been active members of an affiliated Club for a minimum of 2 years.

7 Prints are required and a total score of 125 or more will gain the award.

The images needed to achieve the Badge Award can be described as approaching “Good Club Photography".

Photographs which meet the requirement for BPAGB will probably do well in a good Club in an Advanced Section of their internal competitions or in Inter-Club competitions, the kind of image which a Club may sometimes choose to represent them in Federation events.

However, this is simply offered as general guidance since there is no such thing as a consistent “Club Standard”. The quality of photography varies considerably from Club to Club and what is “Good” in one Club may not be so successful in another one.

We cannot know the standard of work in your Club or in your Federation and, by the sheer variety of Club work, there can be no consisten "Club Standard”.

It is our experienced Adjudicators who define for this Award what the requirement is for “Good Club Photography”. They have judged at a great many Clubs and they are well equipped to do this, plus we have in place a permanent team and careful briefings to ensure that the process is as fair and
consistent as is humanly possible.

Adjudicators are likely to be receptive to a greater range of images than may be successful in some Clubs.

APM Leaflet 2


Accreditation Application Form

Initial selection before submission

Breaking Away from the Pack

The Foundry Boss

The Foundry Worker

Floating Globe

Lucy - The Hairdresser

Picking the Winners

Steampunk Goddess

Final Selection Submitted

Breaking Away from the Pack

The Foundry Boss

The Foundry Worker

Floating Globe

Lucy - The Hairdresser

Picking the Winners

Steampunk Goddess


Breaking Away from the Pack - 24 points

The Foundary Boss - 18 points

The Foundry Worker - 18 points

Floating Globe - 14 points

Lucy - The Hairdresser - 20 points

Picking the Winners - 23 points

Steampunk Goddess - 16 points


Total 133 points scored

Accreditation achieved